What You Need to Know About Caring for Your Newborn

What You Need to Know About Caring for Your Newborn

From feedings to checkups, here’s what you should know about your new addition.

You’ve just welcomed your bundle of joy into the world and you’re experiencing so many different emotions. As you are bringing your baby home from the hospital you may have a ton of questions about how to care for your little one. From the office of our Houston, TX, pediatricians Dr. Heena Thakkar and Dr. Shilpa Pankaj, here are some tips that will help even first-time parents feel more rest assured Newborn Babywhen it comes to caring for their newborn.


Babies need a lot of sleep, they just don’t do it in long sessions like we do. Instead, they may sleep up to 18 or 19 hours throughout the day. When putting your child to bed always make sure they sleep on their backs with nothing else around them (this will gradually reduce the risk of SIDS). Parents, trust the old adage and try and sleep whenever your baby sleeps.


For the first six months of your baby’s life they will get all the nutrients they need from breast milk or formula. Newborns will usually need to be fed every 1-3 hours, or anywhere from 8-12 times per day. You will notice certain signs that your child needs to eat, they might cry or stick out their tongues or pucker their lips. Also, babies know when they are full and they will unlatch from the breast or spit out the bottle when they are done.

Getting Sick

The last thing you want is for your newborn to get sick; unfortunately, your little one’s immune system isn’t strong enough to fight a lot of the infections out there. Since your child cannot get vaccinated it’s imperative that everyone in your family is up-to-date on vaccines, including their flu shots.

Also, we know that you are going to have lots of family and friends coming over throughout those first few months, and naturally they are going to want to hold the new addition. Make sure everyone washes their hands thoroughly beforehand, to prevent the spread of germs.

Medical Checkups

Your little one will need to visit a pediatrician within 3-5 days after birth and quite regularly from there on out (here is the full schedule). During these checkups, we will be able to make sure your child is healthy, that they are reaching developmental milestones and that they are getting the proper immunizations. These visits are also a great time for us to answer any questions you might have about caring for your baby.

Peekabo Pediatrics in Houston, TX, is dedicated to providing comprehensive pediatric care to children and teens of all ages. No matter whether it’s time to schedule your baby’s first checkup or you have questions about the services we offer, don’t hesitate to call our office today to learn more or book an appointment.

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