When Should Your Child Receive a Physical?

When Should Your Child Receive a Physical?

So you have a growing family and want to go to a pediatrician to provide the best possible care for your child. But where do you go, and how often should your child receive care? At Peekaboo Pediatrics, we will help you determine how often physicals should be scheduled for your child, depending on your unique needs. However, here is a general guideline for what to expect when coming to us for pediatric physicals in Houston, TX.

Schedule for Physicals

After you bring home your newborn, you will probably already have a schedule for when they need to be seen by a pediatrician until their first birthday. Typically, newborns should go for a checkup at one month, two months, four months, six months, nine months, and 12 months after birth. Physicals can be six or more times in the first year, and that is entirely normal!

However, after a child reaches one year of age, their visits typically decrease until they are around four years old. Physicals during this time usually occur at 15 months (one year, three months), 18 months (one year, six months), 24 months (two years), 30 months (two years, six months), and three years. After this time, children usually need a physical & well visit checkup once each year. Before your child starts kindergarten, they will most likely be required to have a physical exam.

What To Expect During A Physical

Getting a physical is an integral part of preventive healthcare for your child. This visit is when your pediatrician will check their height, weight, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation to ensure no abnormalities. In addition to general observation during the physical, your pediatrician in Houston, TX, will also perform palpation and auscultation. Palpation refers to checking blood circulation through pulse and any fluid buildup underneath the skin throughout the body. Auscultation refers to using a stethoscope to listen to the heart and lungs to be sure heart activity and breathing are normal and without need for concern. During the physical exam, there will also be time for children and parents to ask questions regarding health and wellness.

Who To Call

If you are looking for a pediatrician for your child's physicals in the Houston, TX, area, consider calling Peekaboo Pediatrics! For questions or to make an appointment today, please call 713-861-4800.

Peekaboo Pediatrics

Office Hours


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



